Visiting Historic Locke’s Mill

Locke’s Mill is open to guests from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the first and third Saturdays of the month March-November. During open hours, visitors are welcome to explore three floors of historic equipment to learn about the tradition and process of grist milling.



Naturally Delicious Grains

Unlock a world of flavor with Certified Organic heritage flours, grits, and cornmeal — plus our convenient line of baking mixes! Locke’s Mill products are available from our online shop or at the mill during open hours.


Watch a video about the restoration of Locke’s Mill.

About Locke's Mill

Locke’s Mill is a historic water-powered gristmill dedicated to producing high-quality, stone-ground flours using traditional milling techniques. Nestled along the banks of the Shenandoah River in Clarke County, Virginia, it was one of many mills in the area that once provided grinding services for grains coming over the Appalachian passes from the Shenandoah and Ohio Valleys. Originally an 18th-century double mill site, the present building dates to 1876 and ran two mill wheels. The mill had the second wheel assembly restored and Certified USDA Organic in 2017. Today, Locke’s Mill maintains a two-and-a-half-century tradition of local milling, providing custom grinding services for local distillers, bakers, restaurants, and other customers.